Saturday, September 20, 2008

Stolen from

Came across this site in the youtube video comments. This was a post about Udaya kumar leaving the college blah blah. It seems his parting message was:
"get married, have lots of children, help others when they ask you for it"


Some of his quotes:

...ahh Open those windows...
...this place stinks(do u know the difference between a cow & a buffallo)...
...the way you dress and the way you address are very important...
...I am sorry if it hurts you but believe me its the truth...
...Come to my cabin I will show you what I am... the saying goes...Better late than never...
...When i was in Morrocco, my students rated me 4.5 on 5 point scale...
...Disinclination to learning when it is a Dire Necessity is a Crime of the Highest Order...
...I like to take the bull by its horns!!!!!!!! ...
....i'll crush u with my iron hand.... a lighter vein or nothing derrogatory about it !...
...i dont give a shit...
...I WILL CUT IT & trust me, i am not talking about your tails...
...I firmly believe in it...
during attendence: for girls:konchum aagavamma...for guys: em babu aagatledha...

I actually laughed at loud at some of these. It was so much fun - a 100 people making fun of people like him. Have a good laugh :P


JingiChiki said...

nice post. It reminds me of CN class. Had nice time.

hydeous said...

Reminds me of CN class too. Horrible time!

hydeous said...
