Monday, March 31, 2008

More Time to kill

I went back home for the weekend.
And when I was in the train, the night got me thinking(as always) about lots of stuff.
Anyway, I wrote some stuff on the train. Will post that here.

I miss everyone.
I miss the times we had.
I can't stand work. Will do some more college stuff.
MS, MTech, MBA, MCom, MA, anything. Just have to do something else.
This shit is absolutely pointless.

I miss, most of all, having time for myself.
Time to do whatever the fuck I feel like doing.

Time to go out for no reason, time to play AoC for endless hours without stopping for sleep.
Time to go to Abhi's place and talk about players and games and arbit topics and crib about college.
Time to go to Dhaval's place and hang out in weird places, eat weird things and talk about anything under the sun.
Time to cycle over to Jeet's home and play noob CS, watch dumbass movies and tease each other for no apparent reason.
Time to go to Neeru's house and play with Snoopy, watch crazy videos and laugh like mad for hours (and invariably eat breakfast or lunch or dinner)
Time to cycle super long distances.
Time to stare at people when no one can think of what to talk about.
Time to spend online chatting with ten people at a time, and mixing up conversations often.
Time to play football and basketball on the weekends.
Time to spam on the Indus forums with the gang.
Time to play with Kefa.
Where, oh where has all the time gone.

Pink Floyd's "Time" has such amazing lyrics.

"Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain.
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today.
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you.
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun. "

I need to be able to blame someone for all the shit I'm in.
I can't blame myself, you know. :P

So I figure there must be a god, if only to put the blame on!
or as Calvin replies to Hobbes question : "So you think there is a god?"
"Well, someone's out to get me!"

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Lover boys

The blog has been inactive for a while now. Thought of posting something but there's nothing much to post apart from me getting bored of studies. So I was bored and was going through the ooty trip pics. I found this one and before i knew it, I was rofl'ing.

Just look at both the faces. So happy in love!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Always with me always with you

I'm not sure what exactly is always with me and always with you, 
but it seemed like a nice Title.
(It is also the name of the song  I am listening to at the moment!)

SSB was last week. Both Dhaval and I didn't make it. So there go the airforce plans.
Back at pune for now. TCS didn't miss me, as expected.
The SSB was a great experience, we had a really nice time there in Mysore.
Loads of really fun tests like group tasks and the obstacle course where both of us surprised ourselves. It was 6 days I won't forget for a long time.

Stayed with Abhi for a couple of days after the SSB. Was nice to relax for a bit and just talk to someone. IISc is a wonderful place.
Like Abhi says, it'll be nice if all of us are able to catch up sometime. This summer maybe, when everyone might be in India.

I guess it is time for me to figure out what I am going to do in the near future. Maybe I'll shift jobs or something. Would like to go back to hyderabad actually. I wonder how things will work out.
I suppose a higher education is inevitable now. I definitely cannot continue on this B-tech we managed to fluke through for much longer.

Let me know if anyone has any ideas, because I seem to be running out of decent ones.
Thinking of game programming at the moment. Lets see how things work out regarding this.

Sadly, apart from all the boring work related stuff, I have nothing to report.
I really miss Kefa!

Oh well, that's the end of this super-boring update. More updates as events warrant.